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Example: UPDATE DIDMaster set account_accountID=3306 WHERE didID =99726.
You will get this didID from DIDMaster table with the help of DIDNumber.

Query: SELECT * from DIDMaster where didNumber = 2268700509;

Run the above query to find out the didID.

2) Configure Rate Plan for that DID. Please find the link of document for Rate Plan below.


If already he RatePlan is configured for that account then please follow the below steps to configure RatePlan for DID Number which is to be added in the account.

For example: This “2268700509” DID Number is to be added in Kissht Account.

Search any of the existing DID Number’s rate plan in DIDRateMaster table. This “2268461709” DID Number is existing in Kissht Account (3306). DID ID of this number is “22645“.

Run the below query.
SELECT * FROM DIDRateMaster dm WHERE did_didID =22645;
The result will be displayed and check the “obd_id” & “agentPlan_id” column. The value in both the columns will be same “461”. This ID is unique for every account.

Now we have to configure rate plan for new DID i.e. “2268461709”. DIDid of this number is 22645.

UPDATE DIDRateMaster SET agentPlan_id=461 WHERE id=22625;

UPDATE DIDRateMaster SET obd_id=461 WHERE id=22625;

After running these queries, the rate plan will be configured for that account.

If adding DIDs from Backend in Flows:

1) Insert into FlowDIDMapping table using didID or flowID.

Example: INSERT INTO centraldb.FlowDIDMapping(active, lastUpdatedTimestamp, flowID, didID)
VALUES(1, '2020-09-19 22:41:43', 8407, 22645);

After running the above query, 2268461709 DID Number will be added to the flow. (flowID : 8407)

2) Insert into FlowIvrChannelPoolMapping table with respect to ChannelPoolID.
