Quickstart Guide
Table of Contents
- 1 Table of Contents
- 2 Overview
- 2.1 Account Creation
- 2.1.1 Email Verification
- 2.1.2 KYC Verification
- 2.2 Account Set-up
- 2.2.1 DID purchase
- 2.2.2 SMS Sender ID
- 2.2.3 Sender Email ID
- 2.2.4 Email ID whitelisting
- 2.2.5 Storage
- 2.3 Advanced
- 2.3.1 Grammar
- 2.3.2 Cloud
- 2.3.3 NLP Engine
- 2.3.4 Webhook
- 2.3.5 Flow Variable
- 2.4 Flow Design
- 2.4.1 Type of Flows
- 1. Inbound IVR and call distributor
- 2. Outbound Multicast
- 3. Emergency Notification
- 2.4.1 Type of Flows
- 2.5 Agent Set-up
- 2.5.1 Agents
- 2.5.2 Agent Groups
- 2.6 Call Centre Setup
- 2.6.1 Queues
- 2.6.2 Disposition
- 2.6.3 Pause Codes
- 2.6.4 Direct Dial
- 2.7 E-commerce
- 2.8 Whitelist
- 2.9 Blacklist
- 2.10 Transactional Messaging
- 2.11 Prompts
- 2.12 Set-Up
- 2.13 Reports
- 2.13.1 Reports
- 2.13.2 Email Reports
- 2.14 Analytics
- 2.14.1 Real-Time Dashboard
- 2.14.2 Agent Details
- 2.1 Account Creation
- 3 Confidentiality
Central is a user-friendly platform designed for creating communication campaigns. These campaigns encompass various functionalities such as visual IVR, inbound IVR, outbound calls, SMS, email, and emergency notifications. Our platform offers customization options through an intuitive flow designer, facilitated by widgets.
Account Creation
Phonon to create an account on the Central Platform either on behalf of the customer or train the customer to create their account.
Procedure for creating a Central Account on behalf of the client:
Phonon to get the following account coordinates from the client.
Name: Employed for account particulars.
Mobile Number: Utilized for authentication. (Initial OTP Verification)
Email: Used for Sign-Up followed by email authentication.
Sign up on the Central Account by using the link: https://central.phonon.io/authorization-server/user/signin
Enter the email ID provided by the client for sign-up (Valid email ID like help@phonon.io)
It is recommended to choose a strong password. (Minimum eight characters long including an uppercase character, a lowercase character, one digit, and a special character)
Post filling in the details, Central will send an email for the confirmation of your account.
On successful verification, users will be able to log in using the credentials.
Procedure to be followed when a customer creates an account:
Link: https://central.phonon.io/authorization-server/user/signin
Enter an email ID for sign-up(Valid email id example: help@phonon.io)
It is recommended to choose a strong password(Minimum eight characters long including an uppercase character, a lowercase character, one digit and a special character)
Post filling the details, Central will send an email for the confirmation of your account.
On successful verification, users will be able to login using these credentials.
Email Verification
Email Verification is required for Sign-up completion
On successfully receiving the email for verification, click on the “Verify” button.
You will be redirected to the login page. Login to your central account using the credentials entered while signing up.
Fill in the Account Details:
Account Type
Company: If the account is created on behalf of an organization
Individual: If the account is created for an individual
First Name: Enter the first name of the account holder
Last Name: Enter the first name of the account holder
Company Name: (Optional)Enter the name of the company the individual is associated with
Sector: Enter the sector in which the company works
Phone Number: Enter a phone number for verification
Enter the OTP sent to the phone number
KYC Verification
Click on the “Settings” tab as shown below and click on “KYC”
Complete the KYC verification process as per below mentioned steps:
Select the country and the entity type from one of the following:
Company: Upload the documents required for the KYC completion process
Individual: Upload the documents required for KYC completion process
Once KYC documents have been uploaded, send an email to help@phonon.io stating your name, company name(if any), and the email ID used for sign-up.
Account Set-up
DID purchase
To purchase DID numbers for the flows the user needs to complete the KYC
As the KYC is completed and approved as per the KYC Verification step the user can purchase at max 2 DIDs
To purchase a DID go to Set Up -> DID tab.
Click on the Add DID button to get the list of DIDs.
Select the checkbox to select a DID that needs to be added to the account.
Click on Request Selected Number
Confirm the selection and your DID has been added successfully
SMS Sender ID
This is required if the user needs to send any SMS as a part of the campaign. Sender ID to be configured in the account at Set Up -> SMS tab
Client to provide confirmation on Sender ID format. Refer Link to know the sender ID format.
SMS Sender ID can be of 6 alphabets for transactional messaging and 6 random digits for promotional messaging
Client to ensure DLT Registration is in place. Please refer to Annexure 1 to know about the detailed process
Sender Email ID
Once the user has set-up the Cloud Account, user can set the Sender email ID under the Set Up -> Emails tab
Click on Add Email
Select the Amazon Cloud Account where the Simple Email Service has been activated as a service
Enter the sender email ID
Enter the domain name in the Email From Parameter
Click on Save and your Sender Email ID is configured successfully
DKIM Verification should be performed to use the email ID of client domain
Email ID whitelisting
Only the authorised person can schedule the campaign for communications by uploading communication data using email ID
For being able to send the email the users email id needs to be whitelisted in the system
Client’s email id can be whitelisted under the whitelist tab
Users can upload the files for outbound communication using the whitelisted email id only
This section is used to add a location where the data like recordings, reports, and others can be saved.
Storage Type: User can select either Amazon S3 or SFTP to store the data
Storage Name: Custom name to the storage location
Host: User has to enter his domain or server IP here
Port: User has to enter the SFTP port
Authentication: User can select the method of authentication
Username: User needs to enter the username
Password: User needs to enter the password
Security Key: User has to provide the security key content for authentication
Path: User needs to select the path where they would like to store the data
Bucket: User needs to enter the bucket where he wishes to store the data
This section can be found under Advanced -> Grammar tab
Grammars are used when prompts are used for announcements rather than Text-to-Speech systems
When announcing dynamic data such as Numbers, Digits, Alphabets, Date, Time, the voice application makes use of grammars
Phonon has sample grammar available. Users can make additional grammars using voices of your choice
To add a new grammar click on “Add New Grammar”
Enter the Language, segments, digits and other values to complete your grammar
User can also view the “Sample English Grammar” and “Sample Hindi Grammar” to view the sample files of grammar
Users will find the tab under Advanced Tab -> Cloud Set-up
If the user wants to use Text-To-Speech for outbound voice communication then the user needs to configure the AWS cloud account here
Users can use Amazon Simple Email Service or Amazon Polly under Amazon Web Services account set-up
Users can also use Google Speech-To-Text or Google Dialog Flow by configuring the Google Cloud Services here
To configure a Google Cloud Account the following steps to be performed:
Click on Add Cloud Account
Under Cloud Account Type, select Google Cloud Services
Enter an Alias for the Account
Enter the Project ID of your google cloud account
Enter the JSON Credentials of your google cloud account
Select the services that you wish to activate and click on Check Now
Click on Save and your account has been set up successfully
To configure an Amazon Cloud Account follow the following mentioned steps:
Click on Add Cloud Account
Under Cloud Account Type, select Amazon Web Services
Enter an Alias for the Account
Enter the Access Key ID, Security Access Key and Region of your Amazon Account
Select the services that you wish to activate and click on Check Now
Click on Save and your account has been set up successfully
NLP Engine
This section can be found under Advanced -> NLP Engine tab
Phonon supports third parties for services such as Intent Recognition
Users can add their NLP Engine such as Dialog Flow and Watson here
Enter the alias for the NLP Engine and select the provider
Fill in the configuration details and click on “Save”
This section can be found under Advanced -> Webhook tab
Webhook is an intermediate layer that communicates between client’s system and Phonon Central
Users can add their custom webhook using this section
Click on “Add Webhook” to add the webhook details
Webhooks are by default called at the end of a flow routine. So, webhook is called on the call disconnect event by default
However, there are times when the same webhook will need to be invoked mid-way for updating customer systems or key value pairs of custom data
Whenever the Webhook module is invoked in a flow, a webhook API will be invoked
Flow Variable
Flow variable should be defined well before the user wants to design the flow.
Flow variables are the variables used in a flow to capture the user response, play the dynamic value to the end user or to make any decision in the flow.
User to visit Advanced Tab -> Flow Variable
Add the variable using proper naming convention of the variable.
Flow Design
Type of Flows
Once all the configurations and the set up is complete the user can use the Flows section to create flows basis the use case.
Users will find the tab under Main -> Flows
A list is visible of all the flows created by the user under this tab
User can click on Add New Flow to start creating a new flow
There are three types of flows that the user can create: Inbound IVR and call distributor, Outbound Multicast and Emergency Notification
1. Inbound IVR and call distributor
This can be used to create inbound IVR flows
Click on Inbound IVR and call distributor and you will be able to create your own inbound IVR flow with customized configurations
User can view 2 tabs under this namely:
Flow ID: Unique ID for every flow
Flow Name: Customized name for the flow
Assign DID: Assign DID to the flow. If no DID is available, use this link to purchase a DID
Webhook for Account is: To configure any webhook for the account user can click on the “Configure Webhook” link
Enable Webhook for Flow: Switch ON the option to enable webhook for the particular flow
Enable Call Recording: User can enable call recording of the entire flow using this option
Time Zone: Select the time zone basis the Caller zone or Custom zone
Accepted formats for Date/Time: Select the accepted Date and Time format
Accepted formats for Date: Select the accepted Date format
Accepted formats for Time: Select the accepted Time format
Widgets that are visible on the left corner of the screen can be used in the Designer Section using pick and drop to configure your customized flow.
Start: Flow’s execution begins from Start
On Remote Hangup: Widgets designed here will be executed when the customer hangups the call remotely
On Flow Complete: This will executed when the flow is completed
Make Call: Make call is used in outbound multicast only. It indicates the start of the flow. No call can be made without this widget at the start.
Decision : The decision box is used to make certain choices that influence the direction of flow, depending on the DTMF/Voice input by the user or/and other flow variables.
Number of Breaks: The number of breaks are the number of conditions to be added. The flow goes into the respective break number once a condition is met. The number of breaks can vary from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 7.
Condition Name: The condition names get added once their rules are specified and they are assigned a break number. The default condition on break 0 holds true once all of the other conditions are checked and none of them are met.
Condition Details: Each condition, before getting added, gets set up here. For each rule, a variable type corresponding to a variable name is specified. This variable can be compared, using any operator, to either a static or a variable value. Another rule or a group of rules can be added to each condition.
Play: This widget is used to play prompts/scripts from a file, using grammar or using text-to-speech.
Play Type: It helps in configuring what should play when the user picks the call, or any action is taken by the user. There are multiple play types which can be chosen. It can be via a File, Digit/Numbers, Date/Time, Text to Speech, Digit/Number. On selection of this option the next configuration tab will appear as per the selection.
Details: The complete configuration in “Details” depends on the selected “Play Type”.
On selection “From File” there will be two options available to choose from “Static File” & “Based on Values”. On selection of static file a prompt will be available for selection and based on value name of the prompt file will have to be mentioned.
On selection of “Digit/Number” language selection will be available. For playing prompts, static value and key value pair are available which can be played as digits and numbers of the values which will be entered. It can be accessed via a webhook URL.
On selection of “Date/Time” language, selection will be available and for play selection static value & key value pair will be available.
In Text to Speech AWS/Google account will have to be configured. Language selection, voice selection format will have to be configured as required. Script can be played in text to play.
Stop By: If enabled, DTMF opens up a lot of configurations for the user.
Terminate DTMF: The default, non-configurable DTMF to stop any prompt is “#”. Once pressed, flow will move forward and stop any further input for that DTMF.
Length of DTMF: Allows a dynamic length of DTMF upto the length entered. If length exceeds the maximum length, prompt from “Invalid Input” is played. The minimum length of DTMF that can be entered is 1 and the maximum is 20.
Wait for DTMF: This is the time (in seconds) that the flow waits for, for a DTMF input from the user. The minimum wait time is 5 seconds and the maximum wait time is 60 seconds.
Max. attempts: This is the maximum attempts at invalid inputs that the user can try for. Post exceeding this value, the prompt from “Maximum Attempts” is played.
Repeat prompt if no input: Once the “wait for DTMF” time has passed and no input has been received, the user can configure the prompt to be repeated.
Repeat prompt if invalid DTMF sequence: In case the DTMF exceeds the “Length of DTMF”, the user can configure the prompt to be repeated.
Enable DTMF validation: Once enabled, the DTMF can be validated for regular expressions, numbers or for an Aadhaar number. In case the DTMF is not validated against any of these, the prompt from “Invalid input” is played.
Store DTMF in: The DTMF entered can be stored in $call.lastdtmfreceived, default value or it can be stored in a custom variable by the user.
Invalid Input: In case the IVR receives, this prompt is played.
No input: If no response is received, this prompt is played.
Maximum Attempts: When the user exceeds the “Max. attempts” of invalid inputs, this prompt is played.
SMS: Text messages can be sent using this widget. The Sender IDs are first added under set-up and then selected from the drop-down. Messages only through validated sender ID are sent. The messages can be sent to a static phone number, a variable phone number from the flow variables or to the callee
Email: Emails can be sent only through validated email IDs and using a cloud account enabled for sending emails
Record: A call can be recorded using this widget in the flow. It can be used only once in the flow. Once placed, the call gets recorded until disconnected i.e until the hangup widget
Webhook: Webhooks are by default called at the end of a flow routine. So, webhook is called on the call disconnect even by default. However, there are times when the same web-hook will need to be invoked mid-way for updating customer systems or key value pairs of custom data. Whenever the webhook module is invoked in a flow, a webhook API will be invoked. All recordings, however, are sent only at the end of the flow
Time Condition: Time condition makes decisions regarding the flow depending on the time configured. The number of breaks is from 0 to 7. If none of the rules match or there are no rules, the flow goes into break 0. The conditions can be set based on a weekly schedule or a specific date. If two or more conditions hold true, the one that has a higher priority in the time condition table is followed
Counter: The counter widget is used to keep track of the number of times a flow passes through a certain path; the value of the counter changes accordingly. The widget allows the user to either create a new counter with a variable name and an initialisation value or modify an existing counter. The value of the counter can be reset to 0, incremented by 1 or decremented by 1, each time it passes through a flow
Hangup: Once invoked in a flow, the hangup widget disconnects the call. Any other widget branching out of it is not played on the call anymore. Although the flow is still maintained, off-call
Transfer Call: Any call can be transferred to another agent via a queue or a phone number. For transfer to a queue, a queue needs to be selected from the drop down menu. If not allocated before, the queue has not been configured and this can be done from the main menu. For transfer to a phone number, the number can be static or variable. Static phone numbers valid to the respective country need to be entered. For variable phone numbers, the number is picked up from the value stored in the selected flow variable
Answer Call: Answer call is used for inbound calls only. It indicates the start of the call
Play & Record: This widget is used to record a user's input. These recordings are submitted to the customer's webhook upon completion of recording (depending on configuration below). These are retrained for retrieval by client for upto 60 days and not available for client retrieval thereafter
Delay: This widget is used to pause the flow for the time configured. User can add a delay of minimum 1 sec and maximum 50 seconds to the flow
Operation: This widget will be used to perform operations of different types like: Number manipulation, String manipulation, Date and Time manipulation, etc.
Menu: This widget is used to give the menu in the IVR to the customer for the different DTMFs. IF you want to play a defined speech for different DTMFs as IVR then you can use this widget.
Speech Processing: This widget is used to process the speech input to fetch the intent/entity from the voice input given by the end user.
Multi Play: This widget can be used to configure multiple play tracks in one go. User can configure a combination Text To Speech, Recorded prompts, using grammar i.e. Date/Time and Digit/Number.
2. Outbound Multicast
This can be used to broadcast a text or voice message to multiple customers simultaneously
Click on Outbound Multicast and you can create your own outbound flow
User can view 4 tabs under this, namely:
Flow ID: Unique ID for every flow
Flow Name: Customized name for the flow
DID allocation type: Assign DID to the flow using common pool or exclusive DIDs
Assign DID: Assign exclusive DID to the flow. If no DID is available, use this link to purchase a DID
Webhook for Account is: To configure any webhook for the account user can click on the “Configure Webhook” link
Enable Webhook for Flow: Switch ON the option to enable webhook for the particular flow
Enable Call Recording: User can enable call recording of the entire flow using this option
Enable International Calling: User can enable international calling for the flow using this option
Flow Type: Select the type of flow from Transactional or Marketing. Please note, once type of flow is selected and saved, it cannot be changed later
Connect to DNC Numbers: Basis the type of flow, this field will be updated automatically
Flow Status: Show the status of the flow ie. whether it is In Production or In Testing
Accepted formats for Date/Time: Select the accepted Date and Time format
Accepted formats for Date: Select the accepted Date format
Accepted formats for Time: Select the accepted Time format
There are two options to make outbound broadcast: Email Upload and Web Service
Business Hours
Call Dialing Business Hours: Select the business hours for the outbound calls
Time Zone: Select the time zone basis the Caller zone or Custom zone
Working Days: If the Call Dialing Business Hours is Custom then user can configure Business Hours customized for every day of the week
If the Call is past Business Hours: Can be used to define the action to be taken when call is past business hours
Call Failing Conditions: User can define the condition of call failing
If calling fails: The reattempt logic is defined here
Widgets that are visible on the left corner of the screen can be used in the Designer Section using pick and drop to configure your customized flow.
Start: Flow’s execution begins from Start
On Remote Hangup: Widgets designed here will be executed when the customer hangups the call remotely
On Flow Complete: This will executed when the flow is completed
Widget details are mentioned here
3. Emergency Notification
To configure the scripts, group of people, and the flow to be used for sending the notification, users can follow the following mentioned steps.
Create an outbound flow
Users can use the Flows section to create flows based on the use case.
This tab can be found under Main -> Flows
A list is visible of all the flows created by the user under this tab
User can click on Add New Flow to start creating a new flow
Click on Outbound Multicast to create an outbound flow
This can be used to broadcast a text or voice message to multiple customers simultaneously
Configure an Outbound Flow
To configure an outbound flow follow the steps mentioned here
Create a new notification
Users can create a new notification by following the below mentioned steps.
Users can use the Flows section to create flows based on the use case.
This tab can be found under Main -> Flows
A list is visible of all the flows created by the user under this tab
User can click on Add New Flow to start creating a new notifications flow
Click on Notification and you can complete the flow with 4 tabs which are described as below:
Users will enter the basic details of the emergency notification.
Flow ID: Unique ID for every flow
Flow Name: Enter a name for the flow. Please note, this name will be the notification name that the user will select from the “Select type of notification”
Users will select the parameters that are required to be sent in the notification message via the channel selected by the user. The parameters selected here will be mandatory while sending the notification.
Add Parameter: Users can select the list of parameters that they wish to add for this notification
While sending the notification, the users will have to mandatorily enter the values for these parameters
Script Configuration
The script configuration tab is used to configure the scripts that will be sent via the channels selected by the user to send the notification.
User will draft the scripts that will used while sending the emergency notification for this scenario
User needs to select the outbound flow using which the notifications will be sent.
Select an outbound flow to be used for sending the notification.
→ Address Book Page
Creating an address book is like a phone directory where you have to add all the members’ numbers that would be notified using the emergency notification system. Users can fill in the details to create an address book. This tab can be found under Notification -> Address Book
Click on “Add New” to add a new person
Enter Name, Phone number and email ID of the person
Under labels, select the label under which the user will be a part of. User can multiselect the labels
You can leave it blank in case you have not created any label yet
“Save” the details
→ Labels Page
Users can group the people which are added in the address book and give a name to the group. This tab can be found under Notification -> Labels
Click on Labels and click on “Add New” to add a new label.
As you click on Add New , you will be asked to fill in the following details.
Label Name: Give a unique name to the label
List of names: All the people under the Address Book will be visible here
Multiselect the names which need to be added to this label
Added names: All the names added to this label will be visible here
Click on “Save” to save the details
User can Edit/Delete a label by using the Edit and Delete buttons under the Actions column
→ Send Notification Page
Users can send the notification using this tab. This tab can be found under Notification -> Send Notification
Send type of notification
You can select the type of notification that they wish to send out from the drop-down
Select the label
Select the group of people to whom you wish to send the notification
Select Channels
Multiselect the channels through which you wish to send the notification
Basis the type of notification that you select, you will be able to view a set of parameters
You need to fill in the details in these parameters which are to be sent via the channel you select
All the parameters are mandatory.
Enter all the details and click on “Preview”
You will be able to view the scripts for all the channels that you have selected. To send the notification, click on “Send”.
The notifications will be sent to the group of people you have selected via the channels you have selected.
Agent Set-up
Agent Details
This section will have a list of Direct Dial and Dynamic agents configured in the account. Dynamic agents will use Agent Interface to login.
Pending Invitations
List of pending invitations of agents will be shown here.
Agent Groups
This will be used by users to create an agent group
Details: Basic details of the agent group are entered here
Agent Group Name: Unique name of the group
Configuration: Configurations for all the agents in the agent group
Agent Login Options: Select the login options that should be visible to the agent for login
Softphone Allocation Parameters: Activate this parameter if you wish to allow agents to make outbound calls to any number. Agent will go on a special Manual Call break to make manual calls.
Add Whitelisted Numbers: Whitelist a set of numbers. The agents would be presented with the whitelisted numbers and can only log-in using that. A range of whitelisted numbers can also be added.
Pausecodes: Select the pausecodes that would be made available to the agents of this group on their agent interface
Available Pausecodes: User will be able to view the configured pausecodes for this account
Selected Pausecodes: User’s selected pausecodes for the agent group are displayed here
To add a pausecode to the account follow the steps mentioned here
Agents: Select the agents that would be a part of to the agent group
Available Agents: List of available agents for this account will be visible here
Selected Agents: Once user selects an agent it moves from the available agents list to the selected agents list
Call Centre Setup
This section can be found under Main -> Call Centre Setup -> Queues
Users can use the queues to create a group of agents who have a similar skill set
Click on “Add New Queues” to create a new queue
User can view 4 tabs under this, namely:
General Settings
Queue Number: A unique queue ID for each queue is automatically allocated at the time of queue creation.
Queue Name: A sample queue name is auto generated. The user can edit the name as per preference. However, only alphanumeric characters are accepted and not just digits.
Queue Weight: If multiple queues are common to multiple agents, queue weight decides the priority in which calls are answered. The default weight value is 0. The higher the weight value, the higher the priority.
Queue Hold Music: This is the music to be played when the customer is put on hold. The user can choose between three tones available: Agent ringing, ring only, MoH only.
Queue Join Announcement: This announcement is played before the call is allocated to any agent in the queue. The user has four options: to not play any announcement, to always plan an announcement, to play when there are no free agents available and to play when no ready agents are available.
Enable Call Recording: Enabling call recording allows the user to record the incoming calls to a particular queue.
Assign to flow: Assign the queue to a specific flow by choosing the flow name from the drop down
Call Allocation Logic
Timing & Agents Options
Ring Strategy: This is the logic to be followed for allocating a call to various agents. There are five ring strategies:
Least recent: The agent who was least recently called in the queue has forwarded the call.
Round Robin Memory: Instead of ringing to every agent in the call at once, Round Robin Memory remembers where it left off the previous call and forwards the call to the next agent in the queue. This allows all agents in the queue to share an equal number of calls. One of the major benefits of Round Robin Memory is that it allows the user to see the calls missed by the agents and not just by the queue.
Random: Calls ring extensions without a predefined priority, in a random order. This helps spread ring group calls evenly among the group, which can simulate queue behavior when a queue cannot be used.
Max Queue Wait Time (In min): The time after which the on-hold call of a user waiting in queue needs to be disconnected.
Timeout for Agent (In seconds): The time the agent will be provided to pick up the call before the call is routed to a different agent.
Retry Time (In seconds): This is how many seconds to wait to connect another agent
Agent Announcement: Announcement played to the agent prior to bridging in the caller
Wrap-up Time (In seconds): This is how many seconds to wait after a successful call before sending another call to a potentially free agent (default is 0, or no delay)
Allow availing extra time: When the wrap up time is over,agent will be shown an alert to take extra time to save the disposition
Average Handle Time (In seconds): Notification to be shown to the agent when a call is intended than expected AHT
Capacity Options
Maximum Callers: The maximum number of callers who can be waiting in the queue at the same time(0 is unlimited)
Number of agents to dial: The maximum number of agents to dial if there is no answer to all the agents. Once the limit is reached the call will proceed with the flow.
Configure Prompts
No Agents logged in: The prompt is to be played when no agents are logged in.
Agents are on Pause: The prompt to be played when the call is transferred to a queue and all agents are on pause.
No Agents answered the call: The prompt to be played when the transferred call is not answered by any agent.
Force Hangup by Supervisor: The prompt to be played when the ongoing call is hung up by the supervisor.
Reached Max Wait Time: The prompt to be played when the maximum waiting time is reached.
Handle waiting for customers post Business Hours: Prompt the customers waiting in the queue while the business hours for the queue are finished.
Other Options
Service Level (In sec): Used for service level statistics (calls answered within service level time frame)
Business Hours
Call will get allocated to agent only if time of queue matches: Setting the business hours when call will get allocated to agent only if time of queue matches
Time Zone: Select the time zone
Working Days: User when selects “Custom” under business hours then the user can configure custom time for each day of the week
Allocate Agent
Strategy to be applied to allocate agents in this queue. User can select from one of the following options:
Agent Login Interface: To use agent login interface, at least one agent needs to be purchased from the Ecommerce section.
Direct Dialing: New phone numbers are first added through the Direct Dial Numbers section under Queues and can be seen under the available phone numbers for that queue.
If no agents are configured, user can add agents from Agent Setup -> Agents section
Configure View Fields
CRM Details on Agent Login Interface
Users can add fields where the user details are fetched from the webhook are the agent can view on the interface.
User Input on Agent Login Interface
Users can add fields where the details provided by the user on IVR will be visible to the agent on the interface.
Scripts on Agent Login Interface
Users can add scripts that will be shown to the agent for this queue.
Configure Input Fields
Disposition Allocation
Select the dispositions from the “Available Dispositions” that will be available for selection to the agents.
Additional Fields Allocation
Select the additional fields from the “Available Fields” that will be available for selection to the agents.
This section can be found under Main -> Call Centre Setup -> Disposition
Users can add the dispositions for account level under this option.
Disposition Name: Custom name for the disposition
Sub-Disposition Type: Select the type for the sub-disposition
Validation For: Select the validation to be applied on length/regular expression
Assign flow: Select to call an outbound flow which will be triggered at the customized number
Flow: Select the outbound flow which will be triggered
Trigger At: Select the instance when outbound flow needs to be triggered
Immediately after the call ends: Outbound call will be triggered immediately after the first(main) call ends
Selected by agent: The time for the second call to be triggered will be selected by the agent from the Central Agent Interface
Label and Save In: Enter the flow variables that need to be transferred to the outbound flow that will be triggered
Allow Custom Number: Allow the agent to enter a custom variable where the outbound call will be triggered
Pause Codes
Users will find the tab under Main -> Call Centre Setup -> Pause Codes
Pause Codes are used to define the breaks that the agent can take
To add a new pause code click on Add Pause Code
Break Label: Unique name for the pause code
Time Label: Time to be allocated for this break. The agent will be displayed a message if the break time has been exceeded
Action: Save or Delete a pause code using this option
Direct Dial
This section can be found under Main -> Call Centre Setup -> Direct Dial
Users can add direct dial numbers.
Direct Dial Number will be used only if in “Allocate Agent” under the “Queues” section, you select the “Direct Dialing” option for call allocation logic.
This section can be used to buy credits, add did, and add agent login interface
This section can be found under Main -> E-commerce tab
This section can be found under Main -> Whitelist tab
This section can be used to whitelist phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, and domain
You can whitelist the phone numbers for testing, the Email ID from which remote upload can be done, the IP Address from which the API request will be accepted, and the Domain from which the API can be accepted.
This section can be found under Main -> Blacklist tab
This section can be used to blacklist phone numbers and email addresses
You can Blacklist Phone Numbers and thus whenever outbound or inbound communication is done for a blacklisted number, it won’t go through
You can optionally Blacklist email addresses. No email will be sent to the blacklisted email ID
Transactional Messaging
This section can be found under Main -> Transactional Messaging tab
Transactional Messaging feature is available for global Outbound/ Inbound communication. To enable the option an extended contract needs to be signed off which is communicated when it is requested from the portal.
This section can be found under Main -> Prompts tab
Prompts or announcements are a list of static voice recordings played on the outbound or inbound IVR systems
Users can record their own prompts & upload those in mp3 format or email Phonon at help@phonon.io for us to have them recorded by an artist at a fee
Refer here to learn about the Set Up section
Users can find this tab under Main -> Reports -> Reports
Date Range: Select the date range to search or download the reports
Flow Type: Select the type of flow for the reports
Flow Name -ID: Select the flow name/ID
Phonon UUID: User can search or download a report basis the Phonon UUID of a specific call
Request ID: User can search or download a report basis the Request ID of a specific call
Queue: User can search or download a report basis the Queues
Call: User can search or download a report basis the customer’s number
SMS: User can search or download a report basis the number where the SMS has been sent
Email: User can search or download a report basis the email ID where an email has been sent
Search: User can Search using the parameters mentioned above using this option
Download CSV: User can download the report in CSV format using this option
Download JSON: User can download the report in JSON format using this option
Email Reports
Users can find this tab under Main -> Reports -> Email Reports
Users can schedule a report to be received at 12:05 AM daily EOD at the defined email recipients
Click on Add Email to schedule a report at EOD via email
Flow Type: Select the type of flow for the reports
Flow Name -ID: Select the flow name/ID
Email Addresses: Define the email addresses for the configured report
Real-Time Dashboard
This dashboard can be found under this tab Main -> Analytics -> Real Time Dashboard
This dashboard can be used to get real time summary metrics of the flow that is selected
To get real time metrics of a flow, select the flow from the drop down and click on Get Details
Agent Details
This dashboard can be found under this tab Main -> Analytics -> Agent Details
This dashboard can be used to get real time summary metrics of the agents basis the flow and queue that is selected
To get real time metrics of the agents, select the flow from the drop down, select the queue ID and click on Get Details
This document has been developed by Phonon Communications Pvt Ltd for the sole and exclusive use of the customer / prospective customer with whom this document is being shared. Further, this document has been provided by Phonon to the recipient in good faith and based on request from the recipient for the same. This document is a confidential document and contains confidential product technology, workflow and commercial details that are for the sole usage of the intended recipients of this document. Recipients are advised not to share this document with any third party that is not the intended recipient of this document and neither to bring this document in full or parts into the public domain. Any unauthorized access may be brought to Phonon’s notice immediately. http://Phonon.io is free to take any legal action it deems necessary against any person or entity that violates this confidentiality agreement. Phonon is bound and governed by the rules of the state of Gujarat in India. In case you are not in agreement with the terms set in this clause or are not an intended recipient of this document, please destroy the document and intimate us of the same at info@phonon.io.
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This document has been developed by Phonon.io for the sole and exclusive use of the customer / prospective customer with whom this document is being shared. Further, this document has been provided by Phonon.io to the recipient in good faith and based on request from the recipient for the same. This document is a confidential document and contains confidential product technology, workflow and commercial details that are for the sole usage of the intended recipients of this document. Recipients are advised not to share this document with any third party that is not the intended recipient of this document and neither to bring this document in full or parts into the public domain. Any unauthorized access may be brought to Phonon.io’s notice immediately. Phonon.io is free to take any legal action it deems necessary against any person or entity that violates this confidentiality agreement. Phonon.io is bound and governed by the rules of the state of Gujarat in India. In case you are not in agreement with the terms set in this clause or are not an intended recipient of this document, please destroy the document and intimate us of the same at info@phonon.io.