Follow the below mentioned steps.
If adding DIDs from Backend in account:
1) Update into DIDMaster table in “account_ID” column.
Example: UPDATE DIDMaster set account_accountID=3306 WHERE didID =99726
2) Configure Rate Plan for that DID. Please find the link of document for Rate Plan below.
Note: Everytime a New DID is added in the “ACCOUNT” then for a single DID rate plan should be configured.
If adding DIDs from Backend in Flows:
1) Insert into FlowDIDMapping table using didID or flowID.
Example: INSERT INTO centraldb.FlowDIDMapping(active, lastUpdatedTimestamp, flowID, didID)
VALUES(1, '2020-09-19 22:41:43', 8407, 22645);
2) Insert into FlowIvrChannelPoolMapping table with respect to ChannelPoolID.
Example: INSERT INTO centraldb.FlowIvrChannelPoolMapping(active, weight, flowID, channelPoolID, consumers, makeCallPresent) VALUES(0, NULL, 27726, 367, 1, 1);
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