Central Supervisor UI
- 1 Distributor List
- 2 Supervisor Interface
- 2.1 Supervisor Login
- 2.2 Agent Details
- 2.2.1 Agent Detail
- 2.2.2 Current Call
- Buttons
- 1. Whisper
- 2. Monitor
- 3. Barge In
- 4. Disconnect Agent
- Buttons
- 2.2.3 Metrics
- 2.2.4 Call History
- 2.2.5 Force Log Out
- 2.3 Agent Dashboard
- 2.3.1 Start Wall Board
- 2.4 Download Reports
Distributor List
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Phonon Users |
Supervisor Interface
A special interface to monitor agents and their activities is provided by Phonon Central. Any agent of your account can be given ‘supervisor access’ so that he/she can login as supervisor and monitor agents and can take advantage of other functionalities of supervisor.
To give any agent, supervisors' access, you need to drop a mail to help@phonon.io with the details as follows -
Client ID/Account ID of yours
Agent Details like agent name, agent ID, agent key
When any agent is given supervisor’s access then there is no need to sign up again and the option of ‘supervisor login’ will be added automatically to agent login page, once the access is given.
Supervisor Login
Once the supervisor access is given to you then first you need to simply login as agent on the login page.
Once you login successfully, you will be redirected to agent login page. There you can select the login device and enter the phone number.
Enter the OTP and ‘login as supervisor’ and you will be able to see agent details as shown below.
On this page, you will be able to see only logged in agents. The following details of the of the agent will be shown.
Agent Name - Name of the agent
Agent ID - Unique ID of agent
Phone no - Phone number through which the agent is logged in
Flow - Flow for which the call is going on (if any).
Queue name - Name of queue for which the call is going on (if any).
Queues allocated - Name of all the queues allocated to the agent
CDR ID - A unique ID generated for each call assigned to agent
Current Status - Current status of the agent. The status can be
Idle : The agent is available to receive calls
On call : The agent is on call
Paused : The agent is on any break
Incoming : The agent is having an incoming call
Wrapping up : The agent is filling disposition
Pause state - If the agent is on break then this field will give the name of the break which is enabled by the agent.
State Duration - It will give the total duration of which the agent is on that state
Calls Offered - Total number of calls offered to the agent since login
Calls Answered - Total number of calls answered by the agent since login
Calls Abandoned - Total number of calls abandoned by the agent since login
AHT (MM:SS) - Average handle time of agent
ASA (MM:SS) - Average speed of answer of agent
AWT (MM:SS) - Average wrap up time of agent
Auto Disposed - Total number of calls having auto disposed disposition
Occupancy Rate (%) -
Logged-In Duration - Total duration from login of agent to current time
Break Time - Total time of agent spent on different breaks since login
Available Time - Total time the agent was available for call since login
Session ID - A unique ID for each session(login) of the agent
Agent Details
You can click on name of the agent to view more details about the agent.
Agent Detail
This tab can be used to view basic information about the agent like:
Agent ID: Unique ID of the agent
Agent Name: Name of the agent
Agent Status: Current status of the agent i.e. enabled/disabled
Agent Email ID: Email ID of the agent(if configured)
Agent Type : Dynamic / Direct Dial
Queues allocated: Names of queues that are allocated to the agent
Call recording enabled: Call recording for this agent is enabled or disabled
Invited at: Date and time when the agent was sent an invitation
Last updated: When was the agent details last updated
Current Call
This tab shows the current call that the agent has received
Supervisor can view the details of the customer and can perform actions like whisper, monitor, barge-in, disconnect the agent or force logout the agent
1. Whisper
Using this the supervisor can whisper instructions to the agent while the agent’s call is going on
Using this when the supervisor whispers to the agent, the agent is on Mute and the customer cannot hear the agent or the supervisor
2. Monitor
Supervisor can listen to the agent’s and customer’s conversation without letting the agent or the customer know
Supervisor can use this button to monitor the agents
3. Barge In
Supervisor can barge in while the agent is on call
The customer and agent will be able to hear what the supervisor says
It is like a conference call only the supervisor has forcefully barged into the call
4. Disconnect Agent
Using this button the supervisor will be able to disconnect the agent from the call
Agent’s specific metrics will be visible to the supervisor under this tab
Supervisor can view the agent’s performance using this section
Supervisor can view the following details here:
Here 'N' is Number of Successful Calls.
Avg Handle Time : Total(Connected + wrap up time)/(N)
Avg Speed of answer : (Total Incoming Time)/(N)
Avg On call time : (Total Connected Time)/(N)
Avg wrap up time : (Tota Wrap Up Time)/(N)
Occupancy Rate : (Total Call Handling Time / Total Available Time) * 100 That is, if the agent was available for 10 hours and handled calls for 2 hours, his Occupancy Rate would be 20%
Auto Disposed : Total number of auto disposed Filled.
Calls Offered : Total Calls that agent received
Calls Answered : Total calls picked up by agent
Calls Abandoned : Total call not answered by agent
Logged in time : Net total of total amount of time the agent is logged in according to shift.
Break Time : total amount of time the agent spent on any break (Excluding Manual Break)
Available Time : Total time agent is available (Total login time)-(total Break Time)
Breaks: Bifurcation of the breaks and the time for each break taken by the agent
Call History
Supervisor can monitor the agent’s call history under this section. The following details will be visible -
Call ID: Unique call ID for each call
Agent’s number: Agent’s phone number that was used to log in
Customer’s number: Customer’s phone number
Date: Date when the call was recorded
Call Connect Time: Time when was the call connected
Agent Call Duration: Time duration of call when the agent and customer interacted
Disposition: Disposition selected by the agent
Sub-Disposition: Sub disposition entered by the agent
Comment: Comments if filled by the agent
Force Log Out
The supervisor can click on ‘force log out’ to immediately logout the agent. As soon as the supervisor clicks on ‘force logout’, the agent will get logged out from the interface (irrespective of the state of the agent) and will be redirected to the login page. This option can be used when the agent is stuck at any state and is not able to perform any action.
Agent Dashboard
Agents metrics can be viewed under this section
Supervisor needs to select the Flow / Queue for which he/she needs to view the metrics
Select the Flow ID and Queue ID and click on “Get Details” to view the metrics for a particular flow and queue
Last Updated: Displays the last time the metrics were updated
Refresh: Click on “Refresh” to get the latest updated metrics
Total Inbound Calls: Total inbound calls received for the flow and queue selected
Calls Answered : Total calls answered from the total inbound calls received
Calls Failed : Total calls failed to answer from the total inbound calls received
Calls Transferred : Total calls transferred to the queue
Total Outbound Calls: Total outbound calls for the flow and queue selected
Calls Attempted : Total calls attempted by the system to customers
Calls re-attepted : Total calls that were re-attempted
Calls Answered : Total calls that were answered by the customers
Calls Failed : Total calls that were failed to answer by the customer
Total Dialer Calls :
Calls attempted to Agents : It is the total number and percentage of calls assigned to agents.All the attempts are included. The percentage will be by default 100%.
Calls answered by Agents : It is the total number of calls and percentage of calls that are answered by the agents from the calls attempted to the agents (All the attempts are included) .The formula for percentage is
Calls Answered by Agents ( % ) = (calls answered by agents / Calls attempted to agent) x 100
Calls Initiated to the customers : It is the total number of calls and percentage of calls attempted to the customers (All attempts are included). The formula for percentage is
Calls Initiated to customers ( % ) = (calls attempted to customer / calls answered by agents) x 100
Calls Answered by customers : It is the total number of calls and the percentage of calls answered by the customers (All attempts are included). The formula for percentage is
Call Answered by Customers ( % ) = (calls answered by customer / calls attempted to customer ) x 100
Total SMS Sent: Total SMSs sent from the system
SMS Delivered : Total SMSs that were delivered successfully to the customers
SMS Failed : Total SMSs that were failed to delivered to the customer due to any reason
Total Emails Sent: Total Emails sent by the system
Email Delivered : Total Emails that were delivered successfully to the customers
Email Failed : Total Emails that were failed to delivered to the customer due to any reason
Email Bounced : Total Emails that were bounced
NDNC Scrubbed Numbers: Total NDNC numbers scrubbed
Calls Waiting for Agents: Total number of calls waiting in the queue to be connected to the agents
Abandon Percentage: Total abandonment percentage
Avg. Abandon Time: Average abandonment time
Longest Call Waiting: The longest call time that was in waiting
Calls within SLA: Number of calls within the SLA (configured in the queue)
Real Time Agents - Real time number of agents in particular state
Total agents : Total agents in selected flow/queue
Agents logged in : Total agents that are logged in in selected flow/queue
Agents on call : Total agents that are on call in selected flow/queue
Agents Idle : Total agents that are Idle in selected flow/queue
Paused Agents : Total agents that are paused in selected flow/queue
Agents in disposition : Total agents that are filling disposition in selected flow/queue
Call Statistics - It will give call details (avg. time) of the selected flow/queue
User Call time in IVR : Av. time of user spent in IVR
Queue waiting time : Av. time of user spent in as waiting time (fetching for available agent)
Av speed of answer : Av. speed of answer of agents
Av. agent call time: Av. time of user spent with agents
Wrap up time : Av. time of agents spent on wrap up time after call gets completed
Start Wall Board
It is added in Central’s CCS to aid the Supervisors with greater visibility over their Call Centre.
The Supervisors can monitor Live Status of their agents and call center in a new design.
Instead of long metrics, get real time status in the form of percentages, graphs, charts by our different widgets.
Works great with large screens of a Call Center !
To start a wall board, you can click on ‘start wall board'.
The following widgets will be visible currently on the real time wallboard -
Calls in Queue: It will show the total number of calls in queue.
Calls in Queue = CallsQueued - CallsDroppedByUser - CallsRemovedBySystem
Calls abandoned ( % ): It will show the total percentage of calls abandoned in queue.
Calls Abandoned = CallsDroppedByUser + CallsNotConnectedWithAgent
Calls Abandoned % = (Calls Abandoned / Total Calls Offered in Queue) * 100
Calls offered: It will show the total number of calls offered to queue.
Calls Offered in Queue = Calls Offered in Queue by Transfer Widget or Agent Transfer to Queue
Calls answered: It will show the total number of calls answered in queue.
calls transferred to queue (via transfer widget / agent transfer call to queue) and that got connected with agent
Average wait time: It will show the Average of Queue Wait Time of the Queue
Average wait time = totalQueueWaitingTime / totalCallsQueued
where, total queue waiting time is the time when the user gets connected to agent/system identifies no agent is logged in/Agent unavailable / All agents paused / Max_wait_time_reached / No_agent_answered / Not_in_business_hours / Agent didn't answered / user hangup - Time at which user entered the queue.
Average wrapup Time: It will show the average wrap up time of all agents in queue.
Avg Wrap Up Time = Total wrap up time / total calls answered by agents
Average talk time: It will show the average talk time of all agents of that queue.
Avg Talk Time = Total agent talk time / total calls answered by agents
Average IVR time: It shows the average time spent in IVR for all callers before transferring to the Queue(s).
Avg Caller IVR Time= total time of caller - time spent in Transfer widget
Weekly Call Comparison: It will show the call comparison of past 7 days (including today up to present time). When you hover over the graph, you will be able to see the exact count of the each field. The call details shown in the graph are as below
Calls Offered by customers - Calls offered in case of Outbound/Dialer Flow or calls answered in case of inbound flow.
Calls Transferred - Calls transferred through ‘transfer call’ widget (transferred to any queue or phone number)
Calls Answered by agent - The number of calls answered by agents (after getting transferred in queue)
Calls abandoned in queue - The number of calls abandoned in queue/phone number (after getting transferred in queue)
Queue Distribution: It will show real time call details of top 5 queues (Top Queues are calculated on the basis of maximum number of calls waiting in the queue).
Download Reports
Supervisors can download or preview Agent, Call, Queue, Flow or other reports under this section
If no reports are configured for the account, supervisor can send an email to support@phonon.io
Please include the following mentioned information in the email:
Agent Name
Agent ID
Once the reports are configured, the supervisors would be able to view or download the reports directly from the interface.
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