Initiate Outbound Flows
Activate Listener for Outbound Flows
In order to trigger and run any outbound flow first you need to activate the listener for that flow. Activating listener means activating the service of outbound calls on the outbound flow. To activate the listener, you need to follow below steps -
Create any outbound flow
Attach the DIDs to that flow
Drop a mail on regarding the same with the following details
Client ID/ Account ID
Flow ID
All the DID numbers attached
How to trigger Outbound Flows ?
Triggering outbound flow means uploading customer’s details to broadcast or run the outbound campaign (like customer number, startime, flow variables). That is making calls to those customers at mentioned starttime. The outbound flows can be trigged in three ways -
1. Webservice End Point
→ The API Request (with method as post) should be send to mentioned webservice end point in the flow. The webservice endpoint for
Outbound Multicast flow is “”
Outbound Dialer flow is “”
Please refer to this page for API Endpoints: Outbound Multicast API Documentation | Outbound Make Call API
2. Email Upload
You can find unique email ID for each outbound flows. You can send email with attachment to that email ID.
Upon file being loaded, the user will receive an auto-response message, that the upload was successful or not.
Call List File Instructions
If you're uploading the call list using a file, please keep in mind the following
Support file formats are .csv and .zip
You can upload a .csv file of maximum 5MB
Download the template file from the interface.
telX:Put the customer number with country code in tel1 header, alternative numbers can be added as tel2,tel3, etc. up to tel10.
$flow.key.variable:You can upload value of any flow variable by putting the flow variable name as the header and value in the respective cell.
starttime:You can input the starttime of each record in the starttime header in ISO 8601 format.
Common starttime:If the starttime is common for all the records, you can input the starttime in the file name as "upload_<starttime in ddMMyyyyHHmmss format>.csv' Example: upload_08022020211200.csv
You can find email ID for email upload in outbound flow’s configurator tab. Example shown below.
3. Direct Upload through Interface
You can upload the .csv or .zip file directly from the interface by selecting a file or by drag and drop method. To know more about direct upload, click here.
4. Using SFTP
We can also setup a connection with your SFTP folder and pick the upload file from the same.
To configure sFTP Upload, please reach out to your account manager or send an email on Please note that this requires a one time setup and testing, and can take 3 to 7+ days to configure.
Setup Requirements:
Create following folders, if folder creation right is not present.
Ensure to provide CRUD access to files.
Upload the CSV file in either of the following format:
At regular interval our system will check for any files.
Once the file is uploaded, the file is removed from the SFTP to keep the space available.
An email is sent on the account holder’s email address with the details of the upload.
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This document has been developed by for the sole and exclusive use of the customer / prospective customer with whom this document is being shared. Further, this document has been provided by to the recipient in good faith and based on request from the recipient for the same. This document is a confidential document and contains confidential product technology, workflow and commercial details that are for the sole usage of the intended recipients of this document. Recipients are advised not to share this document with any third party that is not the intended recipient of this document and neither to bring this document in full or parts into the public domain. Any unauthorized access may be brought to’s notice immediately. is free to take any legal action it deems necessary against any person or entity that violates this confidentiality agreement. is bound and governed by the rules of the state of Gujarat in India. In case you are not in agreement with the terms set in this clause or are not an intended recipient of this document, please destroy the document and intimate us of the same at