Central Reports - FAQs

Central Reports - FAQs

These are the Frequently Asked Questions related to Reports of Central. Please use the search function to find your query!

Reports FAQ

Search FAQs


What is the meaning of this column in that advanced report?

A: Please check the meaning of each column in the following location:

  1. Call Detailed Report:

Can you reconcile Queue Summary Report?

Not Really. Queue summary shows data from queue standpoint. So only the final status of the call matter.

So if 1 call enters the queue, is assigned to 3 agents and only last one connected, 1 call will show in “Calls Offered” and 1 call in “Calls Connected”. While in other call detailed report or summary report, it may count individual counts of each agent attempts. See 3.1.1 for an example.

What is the difference between “Reports” UI and the Download CSV? Why is the count different?

The records shown on the Interface is only for the last attempt of the call, while in the CSV, you’ll get details of all attempts.

So, if there has been one call with 3 reattempts, on UI you will only see one row with status of the last attempt, while in the CSV, you’ll see 3 rows with details of each attempt.

Why is the log-out / log-in count so high in Agent Summary Report?

Currently, if the agent logged in on Agent UI is disconnected for any reason, the agent is “Logged-out” automatically by the system, and as soon as connection is rebuilt, agent is “Logged-in”.

Reason: System logs out the agent in case there is a internet / PC issue for the agent. In this case, the on-going call do not drop, but the agent is logged out to ensure he doesn’t get any new calls (who’s information he will not be able to see on Agent UI without an active internet connection).

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to distinguish a disconnection from an actual internet issue, vs a “Refresh”, or “Closing the browser”. All of them trigger the same disconnection, and so system add a Log-out, and corresponding Log-in, every time the agent refreshes the Agent UI.

We’re aware this issue and working on solution to better handle these scenarios.

Reconciling counts between different reports:

Quick look table → I’m not able to reconcile:

From - Report name

From - Report Column

To - Report Name

To - Report Column


From - Report name

From - Report Column

To - Report Name

To - Report Column


Queue Summary Report

Calls Abandoned

Agent UI Metrics

Calls Abandoned


Queue Summary Report

Calls Abandoned

Call Detailed Report



Queue Summary Report

Calls Missed

Call Detailed Report



#1 → Not able to reconcile the count of calls abandoned in Queue Summary Report, with the total of Calls Abandoned in Agent Metrics of each agents in that queue (who are only assigned to that queue)

  • Queue summary shows data from queue standpoint. So only the final status of the call matter. So if 1 call enters the queue, is assigned to 3 agents and only last one connected, 1 call will show in “Calls Offered” and 1 call in “Calls Connected”.

  • But in individual agent metrics, the “Calls Missed” will come as 1, 1, 0. In total 2 calls. In QSR, you’ll have 0 calls abandoned.

#2 → How to reconcile Calls Abandoned in Queue Summary Report from Call Detailed Report?

  1. Download the Call Detailed Report

  2. Sort the whole sheet by Phonon UUID & Agent Start Time ascending :

    1. For Microsoft Excel:

      1. Select whole report

      2. Click on Data > Sort

      3. Add Two Levels:

        1. Phonon UUID

        2. Agent Start Time

      4. Order: A to Z

    2. For Google Sheet

      1. Select whole report

      2. Go to Sort Range > Advanced Sorting Option

      3. Add two ranges:

        1. Phonon UUID

        2. Agent Start Time


  3. Add a new column beside “Phonon UUID” (Column C), call it “Final Attempt”

  4. Add the following formula on cell C2: =IF(C1=C2, "-", "Final") and apply it on all rows

    1. This will put “Final” status on the last attempt of each Phonon UUID

  5. Now Put following filters:

    1. Final Attempt (Column D): Only “Final”

    2. Queue Name: Deselect “-”

    3. Agent Connected: Only “-”

  6. These are your abandoned calls.

  7. You can do Group By on Queue Name for Queue-wise abandoned count

Sample Report: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oH7ZW8jSRHeAkjX6UIgqxeTPPyIt7K1pqt5hUuVm078/edit#gid=166938330

#3 → How to reconcile Calls Abandoned in Queue Summary Report from Call Detailed Report?

Calls Missed cannot be reconciled at the moment. The most nearby number you can get from:

In Call Detailed Report, put following filters:

Calls where Agents were allocated, but not connected, per unique UUID, are Queue Calls Missed.

  1. Put a new column “Agent Conn. Count” with formula “=IF(Agent Connected ="Yes", 1, 0))” as This will give 1 where Agent Connected is Yes.

  2. Create a Pivot Table with:

    1. Queue Name in Row

    2. Summarise by COUNTUNIQUE of Phonon UUID in Values

    3. Where Queue Name is not -

    4. And Status is Agent Allocated

    5. And Type is Agent

    6. And Agent Connected Count is 0

    7. And Hangup By System

Sample Report: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oH7ZW8jSRHeAkjX6UIgqxeTPPyIt7K1pqt5hUuVm078/edit#gid=467831531

Version Date Comment
Current Version (v. 9) Feb 28, 2022 13:26 Abhinandan Shah
v. 8 Feb 28, 2022 13:21 Abhinandan Shah
v. 7 Jan 20, 2022 10:25 Abhinandan Shah
v. 6 Sept 22, 2021 13:27 Abhinandan Shah
v. 5 Aug 21, 2021 12:03 Abhinandan Shah
v. 4 Aug 21, 2021 11:27 Abhinandan Shah
v. 3 Aug 05, 2021 09:01 Abhinandan Shah
v. 2 Aug 03, 2021 19:35 Abhinandan Shah
v. 1 Aug 03, 2021 19:34 Abhinandan Shah



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