Queue Summary Report

Queue Summary Report

This report gives the detailed summary of queue. The details included in this report are as follows -

Sr No.

Column Name


Sr No.

Column Name



Queue Name

Name of the queue given by user


Total Calls Offered (TCO)

Total number of calls offered in that particular queue.
TCO = Total calls answered (TCA) + Total Calls Abandoned (TCAb)


Inbound Calls (IC)

Total Inbound Calls received (in Business Hours)


Outbound Calls (OC)

Total Outbound Calls received (in Business Hours )


Calls Answered (CA)

Calls that were answered by an agent (out of TCO) in the Queue(s)


Calls Completed (CComp)

Total Calls Completed (TCC) in the given queue

TCC = Calls disconnected by agent after both connected (CDisA) + Calls disconnected by customers (CDisC) (If connected with Agent )


Calls Missed (CM)

Calls allocated to agent but not received by agent


Calls Abandoned (TCAb)

Total number of Calls removed from Queue before connecting with an agent
The reason can be customer hangup before agent connect, system hangup if max queue wait time is reached,Agents are on pause etc.


Calls Abandoned less than 10s (PreCA)

Calls Abandoned with Queue Time <= 10 seconds


Customer Hangup (CHuP)

Total number of time customer hanged up the call.


Agent Hangup (AHuP)

Total number of time agent hanged up the call


Average Handle Time (AHT)

Average Handle Time is the average time spent to handle calls by agents

AHT = Total call handled time (TCHT) /Calls Answered (CA)

TCHT = Total ringing time (TRT) +Total call time (TCT) + Total wrap up time (TWUpT)


Average speed of answer (ASA)

Average Speed of Answer is the Average time taken by agents to pickup the Call
ASA = Total ringing time (TRT)/Calls Connected


Average Call Time (ACT)

Average Call time is the average time spent on call by agents

ACT = Total call time (TCT)/Calls answered(CA)


Average wrapup time (AWT)

Average wraup time is the average time spent in filling disposition after call is completed by agents

AWT = Total Wrap Up time (Disposition Time) (TWUT) / No. of calls an agent handled


Average Agent Hold Time (AHoT)

Average Hold time is the average time for which the customer was put on hold by agents

AHoT = Total hold time/ Calls Answered


Total Queue wait time (QWT)

Total duration of customer wait time in Queue


Average Queue wait time (AQWT)

Average Queue wait time : Total queue wait time/no of calls offered in queue


Disposition Filled

Number of dispositions filled by agent


Auto Disposition

Number of calls for which this disposition was filled


Service Level Time (SLT)

Service level time configured in queue


Service Level %

% of Calls answered within configured SLT


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