Call Transcription

Call Transcription

Call Transcription Configuration steps:

Entry required in CloudServiceSubscription:

INSERT INTO CloudServiceSubscription (alias,account_accountID,status_statusID)  VALUES ('Microsoft CallTranscription',<accountID>,<status>);


Entry required in MicrosoftCloudServiceSubscription:

INSERT INTO MicrosoftCloudServiceSubscription (accessKey,accessKeyID,credentials,region,cloudServiceSubscriptionID)  VALUES ('<subscriptionKey>','<subscriptionKey>',1,'<region>',66);


Entry required in CallTranscriptionPlanMaster:

Generally 15 sec = 1 unit, this entry is there in DB with id = 1. We can use same entry no differance in per unit rate or create your own entry in db. INSERT INTO CallTranscriptionPlanMaster (createdTimestamp,planName,pulseOfSecs,ratePerPulse,serviceCategory,serviceChargeType) VALUES (now(),'<CallTranscriptionServicename>',<seconds>,<ratePerPulse>,'258’','Pulse');


Entry required to update in DIDRateMaster based on didID of DIDmaster:


Entry required in KeyWordMaster:


Entry required in TagMaster:


Entry required in TagKeywordMappingForAccount:


Configure API at the flow level using the webhook widget:


Call Transcription API details:

Request Parameters:








Content-Type: application/json



Payload Schema:


Sample Payload


Request Parameters Explanation:

  1. callRecordingPath: S3 recording public URL. Use variable : $call.agent.recordingUri

  2. flow-id Get the 8 characters alphanumeric Flow ID from the ‘Edit Flow’ page of any Outbound/Inbound/Dialer Flow

  3. agentKey Value of AgentKey. Use variable: $flow.syskey.agentKey

  4. agentNumber Value of Agent Number. Use variable: $call.agent.dnis

  5. customerNumber Value of customer number. Use variable: Inbound =  $call.cli , OBD =  $call.dnis , Dialer= $call.dnis

  6. agentConnected Value true if the agent is connected and false if not connected. Use variable: $call.agent.connect

  7. isCallFromCentralService Value true if API invokes from any central internal service otherwise false.

  8. languageCode Value language code eg. en-IN, hi-IN

  9. phonon-uuid: Unique Identifier for each call. Use varible: $flow.syskey.phonon_uuid

  10. transcriptionServiceProvider: Service provider name. eg.Microsoft or goggle.

  11. tagNames Tag names anyone can add multiple tag names with “,” separated or you can add “All” to validate all tags.

  12. did The Number use to make calls to customers and agents. Entries are done in DIDMaster tables. Use variable: $call.dnis.number

  13. autoDetectSourceLanguages List of Languages can be supplied to identify


  1. Successful Response:
    Status Code: 202

Note: HTTP request accepted by API server.

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