KYC Documents

KYC Documents

Here is the list of documents required for KYC process in ‘Central Platform’ according to different categories.


Entity Type

KYC Type

Document Type

Is Mandatory?



Proof of Identity

Certificate of Incorporation, GST Registration Certificate, TAN Allotment Certificate. DIN number in case of individual Directors

Any one

Proof of Address

Certificate of Incorporation, GST Registration Certificate, TAN Allotment Certificate. DIN Number in case of individual Directors

Any one

Proof of Signatory

Board Resolution or PoA for Authorised Signatory

Any one

Proof of Signatory Identity

Aadhaar Card, Passport, Driving License

Any one

Contract Document

For Pre-paid Account:

  1. PO or Duly executed Order form

For Post-Paid Account

  1. Soft Copy of MSA

  2. Soft Copy of SOW

  3. Soft Copy of Addendum

Any One



Proof of Identity

Aadhaar Card, Passport, Driving License

Any one

Proof of Address

Latest Electricity Bill, Passport, Aadhar Card, Bank Statement Passbook, Driving License

Any one



Proof of Identity

PAN card of HUF


Proof of Karta Identity

Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving License of Karta (any one)

Any one

Proof of Karta Address

Latest Electricity Bill, Passport, Aadhar Card, Bank Statement Passbook, Driving License

Any one


LLP/Partnership Firm

Proof of Identity

Certificate of Partnership/Partnership Registration Certificate, PAN Card of the LLP/Firm, Certificate of Incorporation (for LLP), GST Registration Certificate

Any one

Individual Director/Passport: Aadhaar Card, Passport, DIN Number, Driving License, Individual Bank Account Passbook

Any one

Proof of Address

Latest Electriricty Bill, Lease Deed/Rent Agreement, TAN Number, Bank Account Statement Passbook. GST Registration documents, Registration documents with a Professional Body

Any one


Sole Proprietorship

Proof of Identity

We can ask for the personal identity proof of the Sole Propreitor. Driving License, Aadhar, Bank Passbook of Individual, Passport

Any one

Proof of Address

TAN Number, Latest Electricity BIll, Bank Account Statement Passbook. GST Registration documents

Any one



Prood of Identity

Can be the same as a Company as given above


Proof of Address

Can be the same as a Company as given above



Government Entities





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