Encrypted API execution Details
Steps include in Encrypted API execution:
JSON Request Payload :
{ "api-version": "1.0", "security-id": "5c45a01919eab5c4b0ce5484daf8105bc2bbb7bd0e958cb122864c67ac249322", "flow-id": "ZH0RKJvh", "calls": [ { "client-identifier": "7845sdwq", "start-time": "2022-01-23T08:02:53.311+05:30", "contact-numbers": [ "7016225597" ], "keys": [] } ] }
Base64 Encoded json payload:
Online site to convert normal text to base64: https://www.base64encode.org/ ewogICJhcGktdmVyc2lvbiI6ICIxLjAiLAogICJzZWN1cml0eS1pZCI6ICI1YzQ1YTAxOTE5ZWFiNWM0YjBjZTU0ODRkYWY4MTA1YmMyYmJiN2JkMGU5NThjYjEyMjg2NGM2N2FjMjQ5MzIyIiwKICAiZmxvdy1pZCI6ICJaSDBSS0p2aCIsCiAgImNhbGxzIjogWwogICAgewogICAgICAiY2xpZW50LWlkZW50aWZpZXIiOiAiNzg0NXNkd3EiLAogICAgICAic3RhcnQtdGltZSI6ICIyMDIyLTAxLTIzVDA4OjAyOjUzLjMxMSswNTozMCIsCiAgICAgICJjb250YWN0LW51bWJlcnMiOiBbCiAgICAgICAgIjcwMTYyMjU1OTciCiAgICAgIF0sCiAgICAgICJrZXlzIjogW10KICAgIH0KICBdCn0=
AES Encryption of base encoded JSON payload:
Need one key: You can generate any random key (6-8 digit) abcd1234 AES base64 encoded key - YWJjZDEyMzQ= Apply AES encryption on base64 encoded json payload using base64 encoded aes key
API to convert request payload to encrypted data:
After AES encryption request JSON payload:
After RSA encryption on AES base64 encoded key:
New encrypted request format:
Invoke kairos API:
Take flowid: ZH0RKJvh
Fetch public-private key of a given flow. (ZH0RKJvh_public.key,ZH0RKJvh_private.key) (Path of keys: /home/PHONON/)RSA decryption of digital signature:
AES decryption using AES base64encoded key: YWJjZDEyMzQ=
The original request JSON payload
Once the service will receive a normal SON request payload it will apply a normal API process on it and revert the appropriate response.
Steps include in Generate public and private Key For RSA encryption :
Request Parameters:
URL | https://central.phonon.io/kairos-apis/enc/outbound/generateKeyPair |
Method | POST |
Body | JSON |
Headers | Content-Type: application/json |
Auth | None |
Payload Schema:
Sample Payload:
Request Parameters Explanation:
: Get the 8 characters alphanumeric Flow ID from the ‘Edit Flow’ page of any Outbound/Outbound Dialer Flow
<flowID>_public.key and <flowID>_private.key stored at path “home/PHONON” on the server.
All Error Codes:
Status Code | Status Message | Status Name | |
1 | 400 | Invalid Format | INVALID_FORMAT |
2 | 201 | Checksum Repeated | CHECKSUM_REPEATED |
3 | 302 | Empty Call List | EMPTY_CALL_LIST |
4 | 500 | Failure | FAILURE |
5 | 301 | Invalid Flow ID | INVALID_FLOW_ID |
6 | 401 | IP Not Whitelisted | IP_NOT_WHITELISTED |
7 | 402 | Phone Not Whitelisted | PHONE_NOT_WHITELISTED |
8 | 202 | Invalid Security ID | INVALID_SECURITY_ID |
9 | 200 | Success | SUCCESS |
10 | 203 | API Version not Supported | INVALID_API_VERSION |
11 | 204 | Invalid SMS Gateway | INVALID_GATEWAY_ID |
12 | 205 | Invalid Contact Number | INVALID_CONTACT_NUMBER |
13 | 206 | Failure from Gateway | FAILURE_FROM_GATEWAY |
14 | 207 | DID Not Mapped | DID_NOT_MAPPED |
15 | 208 | No Mask Available | NO_MASK_AVAILABLE |
16 | 209 | Partial Success | PARTIAL_SUCCESS |
17 | 210 | Invalid Mandatory Parameters | INVALID_MANDATORY_PARAMETERS |
18 | 303 | Max Data List Size Exceeded | MAX_DATA_LIST_SIZE_EXCEEDED |
19 | 211 | Validity Expired | VALIDITY_EXPIRED |
20 | 212 | Insufficient Balance | INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE |
21 | 304 | Invalid Flow Version | INVALID_FLOW_VERSION |
22 | 213 | No Data Available | NO_DATA_AVAILABLE |
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