Using Web Phone on Agent UI

Using Web Phone on Agent UI

What is Web Phone

  • Web Phone is a solution that provides the facility for the users to make and take calls through the internet browsers.

  • Web Phone uses WebRTC Technology to deliver secure and robust VoIP calls through browsers.

TRAI Regulations

SIP Calling with WFH Agents have been recently green-lighted by the Department of Telecommunications.

Please refer to this DoT Document updated on 23rd June, 2021, here's the official link to the PDF: https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Revised%20OSP%20Guidelines.pdf.

Once you open it, please go to Page 6, where you'll find Chapter 4 "Work From Home/Work From Anywhere". Refer to Point 2, which states

2. Interconnection of remote agents to the OSP centre is permitted using any technology including boardband over wireline/wireless

Any technology includes SIP calling. We have also enhanced the security of the VoIP calls with end-to-end encryption and SRTP support.

WebRTC vs PSTN vs Softphone







Provides built in browser based call management

Requires dedicated line to manage the calls.

Requires installing 3rd party software application to manage calls.

Convenient for the agents to operate handle calls from the Agent UI itself.

Causes inconvenience to the agents to work with customer over the call.

Agents are dependent on the application services to manage calls.

Highly scalable and high mobility.

Limited scalable and low mobility

Requires regular software updates to make it scalable.

Calling is made through VoIP so it is cheaper to operate.

The call charges are quite higher than VoIP.

High internet bandwidth is required to operate VoIP calls.

Advantages of implementing Web Phone solution

  • At Phonon, we have provided one centralized solution from where the agents can take and make calls from our application itself from just the click of a button.

  • Increasing the agent efficiency and improving the agent convenience by eliminating the 3rd party device to manage calls.

  • We can also provide basic configuration to the admins like Enable Auto Answer (incoming calls) or Auto-Answer After (sec) so that admins can manage their call center setup as per their convenience.

  • Integrating WebRTC solution with the Phonon application makes life of agents simpler by allowing them to handle calls through our Agent UI itself.

  • This solution eliminates the clients’ cost of owning dedicated landlines or 3rd party softphone applications, so it highly cost effective and reliable source of VoIP.

  • DLTS-SRTP encryption makes the call connection highly secured.



Key Benefits of Web RTC on Agent UI


Save Cost

With Phonon Web Call, agents can take calls directly from the Central Agent UI, so you do not have to procure any additional Softphone Licence, Deskphones or Mobile Phones for your agents!

Considering an average cost of ₹3,000 per license or deskphone, for every 100 agents, that’s a saving of ₹3,00,000!


One Provider

By working with a single provider providing the end-to-end call center solution, you remove the headache & time cost of:

  1. Procuring from multiple providers

  2. Security audits for selected providers

  3. Pricing discussion, etc.


Quick Deployment

With Phonon Web Call available pre-integrated, the time-to-go-live is drastically reduced. Now, Call Centre is just get-set-go process!


Improved Agent Experience

Increasing the agent efficiency and improving the agent convenience by eliminating the 3rd party device to manage calls.


More Productivity

Advanced Features such as Auto Answer removes the time wasted to receive incoming calls, and time wasted due to telecom delays. With Auto Answer enabled, the calls get connected in an instant the call is allocated to the agent!

Since VoIP calls do not face telecom congestion issues, calls also do not get missed / not land on the agent.


Better Security

DLTS-SRTP encryption method, makes the call line highly secured and it also detects man-in-the-middle attacks


Operational flexibility

As the contact center solution integrated with the Phonon, Web Call can reach any location, agents can work from home or any other location. All they need is an internet connection and a compatible web browser. They no longer need to be present at the main call center.



 Allows the agent to remotely access the phone system.

Key Features


Plug n Play

Just use any Chrome Desktop Browser v90+ with a stable internet connection of 100 KBs and a headset, and the agents are ready to take calls


High Definition Audio

 With internet calling, the call quality will be in high definition.


Auto Answer

 WebRTC has a feature which allows us to configure whether the incoming calls will be auto-answered.

In future this feature can made configurable as per the client requirements.



Secure connection with TLS & SRTP encryption



Agent can directly setup the preferred Microphone & Speakers


Phonon Web Phone will be available free-of-cost with Agent License GOLD and above.

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