Using Softphone with Mobile Agent UI

Using Softphone with Mobile Agent UI

Please follow this guide to login and configure Softphone Calling on your Android or iOS Smartphone.

Before You Begin

Please ensure that you have following as prerequisites:

  1. Voice Call Bandwidth: ~1 Mbps stable internet connection

    1. Please go to speed.cloudflare.com and ensure you get at-least 2 Mbps download and upload speed, as your smartphone will also be using some bandwidth.

    2. Jitter describes how stable your internet connection is. Please ensure it’s less than 20ms.

  2. Android OS version compatible with your SIP Client.

  3. Central Agent UI login with Desk-phone Option enabled.

  4. Ensure you’re using Single SIM mode.

  5. Block all incoming calls. If you’ll receive a telecom call during the SIP Call, the SIP call will drop. You must enable Call Forwarding on your android smartphone.

For this guide, we’ll be using Zoiper 5 on Android OS, but you can use any SIP Client application which supports encrypted calling (SRTP support) on any platform that it supports.

1. Installing SIP Client

Download and Install Zoiper:

  1. First, please install Zoiper app on your Android or iOS Smartphone.

  2. You can install Zoiper from Playstore by clicking here, searching “zoiper“ in playstore, or scan the below QR Code from your smartphone.

Scan QR Code:


Zoiper on Playstore

Search for following

Click the Link next to your name for a QR Code:


QR Code



QR Code




Click Here




Click Here




Click Here



K Akshaya

Click Here



M Latha Priya

Click Here



Sangeeta Pal

Click Here




Click Here




Click Here




Click Here


Do not download the QR Code image and share it with anyone, as a new image is generated every time.

When you scan the image, and if you see “Provision Error”, reload the QR Code Page provided above as the QR Code image has expired.

Open Zoiper and Scan the QR Code

  1. Open the Zoiper App

  2. Click on QR Code image

  3. Scan the QR Code on your desktop

  4. Check if successfully added


Now Click Back button on your android device twice to come to home screen.

2. Setting up Agent UI

1. Sign In to Phonon Central Agent UI

On your Desktop or Mobile, head over to central.phonon.io and Sign In with your credentials.

2. Check Deskphone:

Once signed in, you should see an option called “Deskphone”. Click on it


3. Enter your Username:

Click on the Deskphone option, and enter the 6 digit username from above table and click on Send OTP


4. You’ll receive a Voice Call OTP

Enter the 6 digit OTP, enter it, and then click on Login As Agent.

5. Congratulations, you’re now ready to take calls on your Zoiper Mobile App

Best Practices:

Please ensure following options are enabled in your SIP Client:

  1. Auto Answer is enabled.

  2. You have a stable internet connection.

  3. Ensure you’re using Single SIM mode.

  4. Block all incoming calls. If you’ll receive a telecom call during the SIP Call, the SIP call will drop. You must enable Call Forwarding on your android smartphone.

  5. For Zoiper, please set following configurations:

    1. Settings > Connectivity > Keep Alive WiFi is Enabled

    2. Settings > Connectivity > Run In Background is Enabled

    3. Settings > Calls > Auto Answer Incoming Calls is Enabled (Paid Version)

    4. Settings > Calls > Instant Auto Answer is Enabled (Paid Version)

Agent FAQs:

  1. I can see “Agent is now allowed to Login” error after sign in

    1. Please reach out to your supervisor to add you in Agent Group.

    2. If you’re the supervisor, check if the agent is added any Agent Group or not. For more steps, please go through the Supervisor Userguide.

  2. I cannot see the “Deskphone” option after Signing In

    1. Please reach out to your supervisor to enable Softphone for you account

    2. If you’re the supervisor,

      1. Please ensure that softphone has been enabled in your account. You can reach out to help@phonon.io to get that activated in your account. If it’s already activated in your account,

      2. Check which Agent Group the agent belongs to on the Agents page, and check if “Deskphone” is enabled in that particular Agent Group.

  3. For any other query, please reach out to your supervisor.


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